Welp, that was a dud.
Yeah, this is easily the weakest of the shorts by far. I wouldn‘t go so far as to call it bad, since there are some good moments sprinkled in here. But the overall product is just a mess all around.
In this short, Cosmo and Wanda have to go to Godparent Academy to get their licenses renewed, leaving Timmy with a temporary fairy to hang out with in the meantime. Unfortunately, said temp only specializes in toys, not to mention that he’s a lazy jerk that would rather watch TV than grant wishes.
A good chunk of this short is just annoying, and a lot of it does come down to the temp, Jeff. Yeah, he’s supposed to be unlikable, I get that. But it’s not even the funny kind of unlikable where his unpleasantness ends up being amusing; it’s...just unpleasant. His bickering with Timmy is obnoxious, and the twist at the end doesn’t do the story any favors.
Speaking of the twist, let’s discuss that. So at the end, it turns out that Jeff isn’t a fairy at all; in actuality, he’s one of Santa’s elves that posed as a fairy just to get out of the North Pole. First of all, Santa is a confirmed slave driver in this universe and his elves are basically a cult. No, I’m not making that up.

These are the faces of elves that have seen some shit.
Second of all, it’s established that a temporary fairy has to be assigned to the godkid whenever their godparents’ licenses need to be renewed. So with that in mind, what the heck happened to the one Timmy was actually assigned? Did they get lost on the way, did he not actually have one assigned to him, is this just a random system? Never explained. Once you rewatch the short with the twist in mind, the logic problems only jump out at you even more, and the story is even more of a mess than before.
But I don’t want to be too hard on the short, since there are some good parts. I did enjoy all the stuff at the Godparent Academy, as well as the introduction of Arnold Schwarzenegger- I mean, Jorgen Von Strangle, the most manly fairy that ever manned. For such a traditionally feminine concept as fairies, the idea of them going through what’s essentially military training is pretty funny, even more so when Cosmo and Wanda end up ripped.
But yeah, this was easily the worst of the season so far. Not terrible by any means, just a mess that isn’t made any better by a rewatch. At least this showed off Jorgen with a jet pack, which is a badass image.