’Tiny Timmy!’ is probably the weakest of the season so far, but I can at least say it was quite a fun time. While the “fantastic voyage” approach isn’t exactly original, the unique twists this brings to the concept make it stand out in a good way, and it’s just the right amount of bizzare.
In this segment, Timmy is tasked with writing a report about microbiology, but his short attention span is keeping him from following through on it. Cosmo and Wanda decide to try making the subject fun for him by poofing up a shrink suit that he can ride in, giving him a first-hand look into it all. As Timmy tries to study protozoa, Cosmo and Wanda end up getting eaten by Vicky, and Timmy decides to go inside her and save them.
This segment establishes the fact that Timmy has a short attention span, and as far as its portrayal goes, it’s pretty humorous in exactly how short it is. Even when Timmy is tiny and is surrounded by gigantic food, he quickly becomes bored and unfocused. It would have been easy to make this annoying, but as far as I’m concerned, it works comedy-wise.
Unfortunately, the short attention span works its way into the structure itself. Once Timmy starts describing himself to the protozoa(who is a princess, BTW), he mentions that he has a short attention span, stops talking, and then just...leaves. I guess it was supposed to be that his attention span ran out, he became bored again and opted out of it, but honestly, I’m not sure what the takeaway is supposed to be. It does result in the story itself feeling a bit unfocused. After Timmy leaves, his report doesn’t even pop up into the plot again until the very end.
That being said, the segment makes up for its uneven structure by its creative approach to exploring the human body. It takes advantage of the fact that it’s a cartoon and basically makes it as weird as it possibly can. A tour guide leading the way through someone’s insides, tiny people controlling emotions, and even a kidney-themed Disneyland are all just things that exist in this world, apparently, and the comedy value that comes from them is nice.
While Timmy is in Vicky’s brain, there‘s a point where he adjusts her kindness levels and ends up turning her into Snow White; it ain’t subtle about it, I can say that much. Seeing this normally cruel and evil girl end up willingly giving money away and cleaning with woodland animals is quite funny in and of itself, and Grey DeLisle’s performance makes it stand out even more.
While this segment is light on substance, it’s certainly one of the more unique takes on the concept that you can find. Even if you find the “fantastic voyage” idea overdone, there should be enough here to entertain you regardless.