And here I was thinking I was finished with season 1, but nope, I’ve got one more! Yeah, according to Wikipedia, ‘Christmas Every Day!’ is apparently the start of season 2, but in actuality, it’s the season 1 finale. I’d considered leaving this for season 2, but hey, why not finish the first one with a double-length special?
Anyway, this is the show’s first Christmas episode, and like all good Christmas specials, it’s the kind that really gets you in the holiday spirit no matter what time of year it is. I rewatched this during June, and even now, I find myself wishing it were Christmas already. The joy and charm of the holiday is captured in spectacular fashion throughout.
This is also the first episode to have musical numbers, a notable moment for the series. “The Fairly OddParents” isn’t exactly known for having an amazing soundtrack, but we may as well cover the songs as we reach them. The one here is ‘I Wish Every Day Could Be Christmas’, and it’s a pretty good one. Timmy’s singing voice isn’t exactly ideal, but with multiple characters getting a chance to lend their vocals, it doesn’t hinder things that much. It’s not a particularly catchy song, but it’s enjoyable enough.
As Timmy wishes for it to be Christmas every day, we of course get to see the effects such a wish has on Santa, but also the people of Dimmsdale as well. Because it’s Christmas every day, banks and stores are closed, and so people can’t get more food or money. It’s a nice touch that we get to see how Timmy’s wish affects everyone and not just Santa; it makes the situation itself feel more well-rounded.
The episode really kicks off once the other holiday mascots get involved. Cupid returns and is of course representative of Valentine’s Day, and he’s just as great as he was in ‘Apartnership!’. There’s also the New Year Baby(whose voice is hilariously deep and intimidating), the April Fool(making him a tacky stand-up comedian is pure genius), the Easter Bunny and the Halloweenie Dog(who is just the Easter Bunny’s dog in a costume.
Out of all of them, it’s really the Easter Bunny that takes the role as the main antagonist. Santa doesn’t seem to have his elf slave cult anymore, which is a good thing. I, uh, don’t really miss that. But to make up for that weird aspect being absent, the writers decided to make the Easter Bunny…for lack of a better phrase, a Boston-accented tough guy. It’s quite a bizarre take on the character, but I do get a good laugh out of it. What makes it better is the brief moments where he just hides an egg somewhere and then moves on like it never happened; it gives his otherwise gruff personality a touch of extra silliness.
What really makes the episode for me, however, is the fact that kids from all around the world rally together with Timmy to help Santa. Thanks to Timmy’s use of the internet, he’s able to inform every kid with the web that Santa needs help, and it’s so satisfying seeing all these various cultures come together as one. Sure, they do play a little bit into stereotypes, which does date it a bit, but the sentiment is clearly there and I love it.
’Christmas Every Day!’ is just great, one of the best outings of the season. It makes great use of the double-length runtime, the story itself is very good, all the characters involved are fun, and it’s nice that Timmy’s dad is just as obsessed with eggnog as me. #EggnogIsBestDrink